Our Solution

Smart Site Supervision System (SSSS)

Our Smart Site Supervision System (SSSS) is powered by our Centralized Platform integrating Deformation Management System, DWSS, Photo Management System, IoT Systems with its 3D Data Management System supporting System Administration capabilities.

3D Reality Model Management System in Mixed Reality Platform

  • UAV Photogrammetry Service for 3D Reality Model Formation
  • Create 3D Reality Model in OSGB/3MX* with Survey Control Points
  • Navigate to control 3D Reality Model with Shortcuts and Markers in 3D Viewer
  • Integrate 3D Reality Model with various formats of 2D/3D CAD, BIM, and Reality Meshes
  • Compare and Overlay Models with Adjustable Transparency
  • Measure Coordinate, Distance, Elevation, Area, and Volume with Reality Model
  • Add and Remove BIM or 3D Models in vicinity to the Site with Photorealistic Mesh Model
  • Integrate with 2D Base Map, Drawings, Documents, Numerical Data, and Media in Various Formats

Site Photo Management System

  • Enable Georeferenced Photos in 3D GIS Environment with BIM
  • Stream, Review and Navigate with Your Images Online
  • Manage and Filter Images on Web-based Photo Gallery

Automatic Deformation Management System

Automatic Deformation Management

  • Present Data in Tables and Charts
  • Set Alarm, Alert, Action (AAA) for Specific Data Value(s)
  • Auto Notification to Users When Reaching AAA Threshold

IoT Integration

  • Integrate with Third-party IoT Devices Systems by API to Display Real-time and Historical Data of Various Devices, e.g. Smart Helmets, Proximity Sensors, Environmental Monitoring Sensors, etc.
  • Interact 3D Data with Tables/ Charts
  • Set Alert for Specific Data Value(s)

DWSS Integration

  • Integrate with Third-party RISC Form and Safety Inspection Form by API
  • Incorporate Geotagged Forms and Related Data with Models in 3D Environment

System Administration

  • Enable encrypted password with password setting rules and change mechanism
  • Retain Audit and history log in backend server
  • Provide User Roles with Different User Privileges for no less than 100 Users
  • Manage Files with Sorting, Filtering, and Searching Functionalities

*Such 3D Reality Model can be created from our UAV Photogrammetry Service